Crunching colorful leaves under your shoes, cuddling in cozy sweaters, and pumpkin spice – who doesn’t like the Fall Season in Utah?
I’ll tell you who: Mice.
Mice in Utah aren’t afraid to squeeze or weasel their way through cracks to get inside your home, especially when the temperatures outside are declining. If you think your home is free of cracks for critters to crawl through, think again. If a mouse cannot find a crack to fit through, they will gnaw their way through the exterior in order to find shelter from the cold weather.

Due to the fact that every home is at risk of a rodent infestation, it’s important to cover the basics of mice control in Utah. In this article, we will cover the most commonly asked questions regarding mice infestations and how to effectively get rid of a rodent problem.
How Do Mice Enter Your Home?
Top 7 Ways Mice Get Inside Your Home:
1) Corner Posts & J-Channels
Used to finished off the ends of siding, corner posts are positioned at the corners of your home, with j-channels used as trim around windows and doors. Since these posts are hollow, they allow easy climbing access for mice and other critters.
2) Foundation
Since foundation tends to crack overtime, mice are able to squeeze their way into your home through said cracks. If your home was built on a rubble foundation or stacked stone foundation, you are especially susceptible to rodent infestations.
3) Bilco Doors
The term “bilco doors” refers to the slanted cellar door located on the outside of some homes, which leads to the basement. Often, there is a gap between the two doors, and is large enough for a mouse to wiggle in.
4) Attached Garages
For people who have attached garages, the uneven garage door leaves an invitation for rodents and other unwanted guests to come inside. In addition, if you leave your garage door open for long periods of time, or if you have a lot of clutter in your garage, you’re much more likely to have a rodent problem.
5) Downspouts & Gutters
Mice are great climbers. As such, they are able to climb and crawl their way through downspouts and along gutters looking for any openings near or on the roof of your home.
6) Any Openings for Utility Lines
When utility companies run utility lines through your home, they make openings in the side of the house in order to run said lines. More often than not, these homes are large enough for rodents to slide through and make their way into your home.
7) Chimneys
As previously mentioned, mice are incredible climbers. They can very easily scale their way through a chimney in order to find shelter from the cold.
How To Get Rid Of Mice In Your Home?
Best Ways to Help Get Rid of Mice in Your Home:
- Eliminate any entry points
- Strategically place bait stations
- Use mouse traps when necessary
- Make sure to select the best bait for your mouse traps
- Place your mouse traps in strategic locations
- Although good sanitation won’t get rid of mice, poor sanitation will attract them
- Be sure to tackle the mice both in and outside (around) your home
Although these are great options for a single mouse problem, they aren’t likely to work when you’re faced with a mouse infestation. Since mice multiply very quickly, and spread a vast array of diseases, it is incredibly important to seek professional help if you’re experiencing a rodent infestation.
How Much Does Mice Exterminator Usually Cost?
It’s nearly impossible to state a cost estimate for rodent exterminators in Utah, as the price varies significantly depending on several factors.
The size of your home, number of rodents inside, the cleanup and repair of damage done by the mice, number and type of mouse traps required, and more points will play a factor in how much the mice extermination will cost.
In addition, if you choose to use more humane mouse trap options, you’re likely to spend more money than if you choose to implement traditional traps.
For more information regarding mice extermination in Utah, including your estimated cost, feel free to call Moxie Pest Control at (801) 225-0644. Utah’s Top Rated Exterminator Service!