Common Pest Control Questions!

The information below will provide answers to the top pest control questions and concerns.

All our technicians are…

  • Trained by a specialist on a continuous basis to make certain they’re up-to-date on all the newest techniques and procedures.
  • Drive tidy, secure, and professional looking vehicles.
  • Render fast response service calls, generally within 24 hours of telling.

We have over 40 years of expertise within the pest management business.

Our workers use state-of-the art pest management techniques.

Time of results will fluctuate with the pest management strategy applied along with the target insect, but for the large part results are long-lasting and fast. Your continuing service agreement will guarantee that pests are not only controlled, but prevented and kept from the house.

To be able to be powerful, spray products break down pretty fast in many instances, and have to come in contact with the target insect. Ants, for example, will bring the bait back to their own nest and disperse it throughout the colony. This results in an even more powerful and effective pest management system with results you can actually see.

Outside your residence is where bugs live and hide. Our service was created to stop the problem where it starts. By addressing the bugs outside of your home we can frequently keep them from ever getting inside.

The three main difference between a termite and flying ant are as follows:

  • Wing size
  • Termite wings are all equivalent in length and go well past the abdomen. Ants have wings that are unlike in length and normally finish in the point of the abdomen.
  • Antennae on termites are beadlike and straight, but on ants they’re elbowed.
  • Waist size

Fleas, ticks and bed bugs have distinct life cycles than other targeted species. During certain periods of the life cycle they don’t succumb to treatments, therefore we have to “capture” them between these dormant cycles to be able to achieve management.

We think of pest control as driving an automobile. If you don’t take care of your car and take care of your regular maintenance, then your car will stop functioning properly after a while.

Pest control is much the same. Our pest control service is designed to first, stop the current pests, and second, to prevent those pests from ever returning. If you choose to discontinue your service, there is a very good chance that your pest problem will return.

If you have anymore pest control questions, please drop us a line!