Have you ever wondered if cockroaches exist in Utah? The answer is yes.
There are approximately 4,000 different species of cockroach, which is a point often overlooked. Four different types of cockroaches in Utah are considered pests. These types of cockroaches are deemed harmful due to their dirty living habits and excessive reproduction capabilities. Above all, a cockroach infestation can leave you sick with disease.
What do cockroaches in Utah look like?
Cockroaches are generally between ½ an inch to 2 inches in length and have 6 legs in total. Some species may also have wings and the ability to fly. Although this may be true, most cockroaches will not take advantage of this characteristic, due to the fact that they can climb on vertical surfaces. As far as body structure is concerned, most species are flat and oval. The surface of this insect feels oily to the touch. As I have noted, cockroaches possess specialized padding on their feet that gives them the ability to climb on walls and even ceilings. Because of that characteristic, this insect can be found anywhere inside the home.
Here is a list of the different species of cockroaches that commonly infest homes and structures alike:
German cockroach (Blatella germanica)

American cockroach (Periplaneta americana)

Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis)

Brownbanded cockroach (Supella longipalpa)

How do cockroaches damage homes? And, how much of a health hazard are they for you and your family?
As previously stated, cockroach living habits are filthy and dangerous. It’s important to realize that the majority of house-dwelling roaches will reproduce in warm, humid areas. All in all, this will multiply your infestation problem significantly. During the day, they will hide from sight and often use this time to breed. Throughout the night, cockroaches come out from hiding into areas of the home. After all, this is where they can access spoilt food from kitchens and bathrooms. As this occurs, the roaches leave a trail of diseases which they carry on their bodies. This is a major health hazard, and can leave people inside of the infested home with sickness and infection.
How do cockroaches wiggle their way inside buildings and structures?
A cockroach infestation can occur to just about anyone. Whether you feel your home is correctly sealed from the outside or not. This insect can be easily transferred from place to place through grocery bags, produce or boxes you bring in from the store. They can also climb through drain pipes, cracks and crevices in walls or weasel their way into vent systems. Cockroaches are sneaky critters and again, have the capability to multiply very quickly. If you think your home may have an infestation, you should call a professional extermination service immediately. They will not go away on their own, and trying to take care of the infestation yourself is rarely successful. While we cannot get rid of cockroaches in Utah entirely, there are preventative measures you can take to avoid this problem.

What is the real reason for the existence of cockroaches on the Planet?
This question may never fully be answered. Cockroaches may exist because of their place in recycling organic materials that are decaying on earth. That being said, this type of insect carries far too many germs and diseases that are detrimental to the health of humans. Not only are they hazardous to our health, they also come along with a bad smell, and can hiss when they feel threatened. When it comes to cockroaches, all precautions should be taken.